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The inaugural episode of Velamma Comics, aptly titled “The Beginning,” introduces us to Velamma, a devoted mother and homemaker. Her life revolves around her family, particularly her son, who is her world. When his friend, a young boy named Ramesh, finds himself in trouble, Velamma’s maternal instincts kick in, and she springs into action. Without hesitation, she decides to help Ramesh, unaware of the consequences that will unfold.
As Velamma embarks on this journey, we see glimpses of her unwavering dedication and resilience. She’s willing to go to great lengths to ensure Ramesh’s safety, even if it means putting herself at risk. This selflessness is a hallmark of Velamma’s character, setting the tone for the series.
Who is Savita Bhabhi
Savita Bhabhi is an Indian fictional adult comic character, created by Kirtu Comics. The protagonist was promoted mainly through comics.
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